The Gran Tour of writers, artists and poets on the Vulcano

"Oggi mi sono dedicato alla pazza gioia, dedicando tutto il mio tempo a queste incomparabili bellezze. Si ha un bel dire, raccontare, dipingere ma esse sono al di sopra di ogni descrizione. La spiaggia, il golfo, le insenature del mare, il Vesuvio, la città, i sobborghi, i castelli, le ville! Se i napoletani non vogliono saperne di lasciare la loro città, se i loro poeti decantano con iperboli esagerate la felicità della sua posizione, bisognerebbe scusarli, anche se nei dintorni sorgessero due o tre Vesuvi di più".

W. Goethe da "Viaggio in Italia"

"Today, I devoted myself to the mad joy, dedicating all my time to these incomparable beauties. It has a nice saying, telling, painting, but they are beyond all descriptions. The beach, the bay, the creeks of the sea, Vesuvius, the city, suburbs, castles, villas! If the Neapolitans don't want to learn to leave their city, if their poets extolled with hyperbole exagerated happiness of his position, we must make allowances, even if could be two or three nearby Vesuvius more. "

Herculaneum is a World Heritage site.

Herculaneum is your home.

Come and visit one of the oldest and most interesting sites in the world!

Welcome home! dobrodošli doma! benvenuti a casa! i mirëpritur në shtëpi! Vítej doma! velkommen hjem! Bienvenue chez vous! tervetuloa kotiin! Bem-vindo a casa! Добро пожаловать домой! bienvenido a casa! Willkommen zu Hause!Isten hozott itthon! chào mừng nhà! Ласкаво просимо додому! Evine hoşgeldin! บ้านต้อนรับ!välkommen hem!

sabato 2 febbraio 2013

Herculaneum Incoming - Welcome to my blog


I'm Luca, I live in Herculaneum and if you are reading this post, probably it's because you would like to know more about this old roman village or maybe you're planning to come here and spend your holidays.

Well, be sure you've founded a friend and you are welcome!

If you need informations about the old and the modern city, the opportunities that you have to move around the Vesuvio and around the Vesuvian Coast, it will be a pleasure to answer you.

Ercolano it's a perfect city because you're in the middle: between Naples by one side and Pompei - Sorrento by the other one. All these cities are well connected thanks to the Circumvesuviana, a local train.

From Central Station of Naples - Napoli Garibaldi -  you can easily take a train for Sorrento or Poggiomarino, stopping to Ercolano Scavi Station.

Follow me for the next post.
Waiting for your questions!


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